Bâtiment des Forces Motrices
from Thursday, 13 March 2025 to Sunday, 16 March 2025
Bâtiment des Forces Motrices
A major figure in contemporary dance, Sasha Waltz continues to reflect upon utopias and flouted ideals in a choreography inspired by and dedicated to Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No 7. Haunted by the composer’s disillusionment amid his growing deafness and the vanished promises of the revolution, the 7th symphony beats aptly with the quest for balance between individual freedom and social constraints.
more about the production -
Grand Théâtre de Genève
from Tuesday, 6 May 2025 to Sunday, 11 May 2025
Grand Théâtre de Genève
Mirage passes through like a waking dream, moving and fluctuating in the manner of these fascinating phenomena. For this fourth collaboration, Damien Jalet and Kohei Nawa depict a humanity in search of meaning in this unpredictable, simultaneously hostile and lush nature. In perpetual metamorphosis, the performers transform, layer after layer, into an infinite variety of physical and emotional states.
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Grand Théâtre de Genève
Saturday, 17 May 2025 20:00
Grand Théâtre de Genève
Fascinated by the legendary Japanese festival, Onbashira, Damien Jalet is inspired to bring together his two pieces Skid and Thr(o)ugh for a unique evening. If Skid evokes the mountain, Thr(o)ugh recalls the tree trunk upon which thousands of men ride down the steep Suma mountainside. In these two pieces, to ward off danger, the physical relationship to others is often the only comfort.
more about the production
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
from Wednesday, 12 February 2025 to Saturday, 24 May 2025
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Following the mischievous La Souris Traviata the enchanted land of Colorama, Dachenka the Baby Dog is the Grand Théâtre’s new workshop-performance for 3 to 6 year olds. Inspired by the Czech children’s literature best-seller by Karel Čapek, find out to music what’s wriggling in Olga and Karel’s big basket.
more about the production -
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
from Thursday, 13 February 2025 to Thursday, 5 June 2025
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
A slice of life, a slice of laughter and a slice of music to garnish the canapé that comes with our urban apéritif! Have a spritz or a vermouth while we supply the entertaining company. Apéropéra is a relaxed, fresh and unstuffy way to (re)discover a composer, a work, a topic, miles away from the usual lectures you get before the performance. Get ready for some good stories, from the past and especially the present. And in between, there’ll be live music from the show (or in the same vein) performed by artists on the production!
First drink included (except cocktails and champagne) -
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Saturday, 15 February 2025 12:00
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Atrium / Hall d’entrée : Self-service couscous. Nombre de places limité, pré-commande nécessaire.
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
from Sunday, 16 February 2025 to Sunday, 1 June 2025
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
B is for Bel canto and Bellini (also a very nice drink), Bizet and Berlioz, Britten and his Billy Budd and, of course, B is for Brunch! Will you be alone or tête-à-tête, will you be a bunch of boisterous brunchers or are you looking to bring your babbling brood? The tables are set for a Grand Brunch in Geneva’s most beautiful ballroom, where the gods and nymphs of legend beam their benign, but blasé, smiles down on you from above. Eight Sundays per season, eight chances for a nice lie-in, eight chances to add some beautiful music to your eggs benedict: we have a Sunday buffet ready to satisfy the hungriest opera and ballet buffs! As space is limited in our Main Foyer, we kindly ask you to reserve your table beforehand.
Sundays from 11AM
In the foyer of the GTG -
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
from Monday, 17 February 2025 to Monday, 16 June 2025
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
What is the connection between the Duke of Brunswick and the Grand Théâtre? Between the Valkyrie and the great fire? Between a Second Empire façade and a 50s-60s theatre?
Ten times a year, we let visitors into the bowels of the huge ship of the Place de Neuve, navigating between opera trivia and heritage curiosities. From the Atrium to the Milky Way, from the marble of the entrance to the gold of the fireplaces, discover this emblematic building, guided by our in-house connoisseurs, who will tell you all its secrets.Visits at 12:30PM
Duration: 55 minutes -
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Tuesday, 25 February 2025
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Comment le chef de chœur fait-il pour synchroniser les chanteurs ? Qu’est-ce qu’un tempo ?
Si tu veux une réponse à ces questions, participe à ce parcours dans le Grand Théâtre et, de surprises musicales en ateliers animés par des artistes, découvre le rythme sous toutes ses coutures !Âge : enfants de 6 à 11 ans accompagnés d’un adulte
Durée : 1h30 environ
CHF 15.- / CHF 10.- pour les moins de 12ans
Au Grand Théâtre de Genève -
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
from Tuesday, 25 February 2025 to Tuesday, 24 June 2025
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Haven’t you ever wondered what it’s like on the other side when the curtain falls on a performance? How does all the technical machinery work? What do the stagehands have to do to get things back into working order? Or maybe just bump into one of the stars of the show? So let us raise the curtain on all this for you. With every production, we give our patrons an opportunity to come backstage with us, raise their eyes to the flies and take a good look at what’s behind the sets. It may be dark in the wings but there’s a whole lot going on there! And because it’s a busy place, we can’t really do this more than once per performance run. You will need to book your visit beforehand, so don’t delay!
A member of the theatre staff who can answer all your questions and show you some of the very impressive features of our opera house takes you backstage for free.The “En coulisse” tour lasts about 20 minutes, starts 15 minutes after the performance, is free of charge on prior reservation.
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Saturday, 1 March 2025 21:30
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Tu n’étais pas invité·e aux 40 ans de Katy Perry ? Qu’à cela ne tienne, VEGAS EXTRAVAGANZA t’emmène au Grand Théâtre, pour faire un tour de folie sur le Strip !
Paradoxe extrême, ville du pêché, du jeu, des grands shows et du mariage, Las Vegas étale ses richesses et son univers de carton-pâte tape-à-l’œil comme du beurre sur une tartine d’argent. Dancefloor, performances ultra sexy, voguing et shows magiques, on vous prépare un cocktail détonnant, un vertige sur tapis rouge, pour aller de liasses en liesse !
Pour être approprié sur le carpet, dress code obligatoire: showgirls, casino, sosie, marié·e, tuxedo, robe de cocktail ou même peplum façon empire romain si tu as une bonne paire de calligae ! Mais attention : le tout en version « la classe à Vegas »
Et promis on cafte pas : ce qui se passe à Vegas reste à Vegas !Tarif réduit (AVS, chômeur-euse, AI)
Tarif jeune (< 20 ans, étudiant-e, apprenti-e)
Merci de vous munir d'une pièce justificative à présenter lors du contrôle des billets. -
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
from Wednesday, 12 March 2025 to Wednesday, 4 June 2025
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Why not take a nap with your child at the Grand Théâtre? After a successful first attempt last season, the Grand Théâtre is now offering a time dedicated to parents and their very young children. Close your eyes, open your ears wide and, in the company of an instrument, let yourself be lulled to sleep by the music!
Children from 6 months accompanied by an adult
Duration: 45 minutes
Stroller garage and changing table available
Tickets CHF 15.- for parents with child under 3 / CHF 10.- for children aged 3 to 12Wednesdays at 2PM
December 11, 2024 Winter nap
March 12, 2025 Spring nap
June 4, 2025 Summer nap -
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
from Wednesday, 12 March 2025 to Wednesday, 14 May 2025
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Singing, dancing, discovering costumes made in our workshops: once a month, the Grand Théâtre is the place to be for families!
Discovery workshops for children aged 6 to 12 accompanied by an adult
Duration: approx. 1hChildren under age 6 won't be allowed to the activity
Sold out
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Thursday, 27 March 2025 18:30
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Because we love putting the Grand Théâtre in afterwork mode, please welcome the Apérovisite: a hybrid between the traditional Guided Tour and the Apéropéra. Marvel at our Murano glass or Léon Gaud’s gaudy frescoes, sure, but have a drink with that. Our marble halls and our gilded chimneypieces are so much more thrilling with a glass of Viognier. Apérovisite will only take place three times this season, so save those dates!
First drink included (except cocktails and champagne)
Grand Théâtre de Genève
from Sunday, 13 April 2025 to Wednesday, 16 April 2025
Grand Théâtre de Genève
Don’t be late! Alice's Adventures Under Ground sweeps you up in a whirlwind of wild events. In this new take on the books by Lewis Carroll, Irish composer Gerald Barry navigates with madcap energy between humour grotesque and fantastical, through an anarchic wonderland.
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Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
from Saturday, 3 May 2025 to Saturday, 7 June 2025
Foyer du Grand ThéâtreGrand Théâtre de Genève
Let’s try a different approach to opera and ballet…
With every Grand Théâtre production this season, there will be a Saturday morning of creative workshops related to the upcoming opera or ballet. Song, dance, drama, text, visual arts, it’s all there waiting to surprise you and help you express yourself: voice, stage, theatre and image professionals will guide you through the many aspects of opera, the art that has everything!Tickets CHF 15.– / CHF 10.– (up to 26 years old)
Saturdays at 11AM
Various meeting points
Grand Théâtre de Genève
from Thursday, 20 February 2025 to Wednesday, 26 February 2025
Grand Théâtre de Genève
A Dido and Aeneas that you’ve never seen or heard, other than on our screens during the pandemic! At the helm of this dance-opera, the famous Belgian company Peeping Tom employs all its habitual surrealist fantasy to unfold an alternative narrative which plunges us into the vertigo of Dido’s psyche.
more about the productionPlease note: the production includes some scenes of nudity.
Grand Théâtre de Genève
from Tuesday, 25 March 2025 to Thursday, 3 April 2025
Grand Théâtre de Genève
An ageless political turmoil, Khovanshchina plays out as the tragic prophecy of a repeatedly re-enacted coup d’état. Confronting the power of some, the fanaticism of others, and the progressivism of the winners, the historical plot serves as a perfect backdrop for Modest Mussorgsky’s folk-redolent music.
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Cathédrale Saint Pierre
from Saturday, 10 May 2025 to Sunday, 18 May 2025
Cathédrale Saint Pierre
All the genius of the Italian prodigy Pergolesi is here magnified tenfold. While the talented Roman Castellucci’s symbolic interpretation exalts the celestial singing of Jakub Józef Orliński and Barbara Hannigan, the musical dramaturgy enhanced by the works of Giacinto Scelsi draws out the cry of this sublime pain as it rises up from Geneva’s Cathédrale Saint-Pierre.
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Grand Théâtre de Genève
from Saturday, 14 June 2025 to Friday, 27 June 2025
Grand Théâtre de Genève
The heroine of heroines sees double in this Geneva production casting a tender modern eye on an independent woman sacrificed to ‘what people will say’. Inspired by the novel by Alexandre Dumas fils, The Lady of the Camellias, La traviata combines the guilty pleasure of a melodramatic libretto with a skilfully orchestrated, joyously theatrical music of formidable potency.
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Grand Théâtre de Genève
Sunday, 9 February 2025 20:00
Grand Théâtre de Genève
‘Staggering’, ‘remarkable’, ‘incendiary’, this is how Aušrinė Stundytė is being described. The incredible Lithuanian soprano is at the Grand Théâtre this season with an out-of-the-ordinary recital built around Arnold Schoenberg’s monodrama, Erwartung (Expectation). Passing successively through a multitude of emotions, from jealous anguish to ultimate horror, until descent into madness, Erwartung will be presented in a semi-staged version perfectly suited to simultaneously deploying Aušrinė Stundytė’s powerful voice and extraordinary acting skills.
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Grand Théâtre de Genève
Thursday, 15 May 2025 20:00
Grand Théâtre de Genève
It’s in dialogue with George Butterworth’s cycle Six Songs from ‘A Shropshire Lad’ that German baritone Benjamin Appl, faithful to his musical curiosity, has built his recital centred around the figure of Gustav Mahler. From one side of the Styx to thew other, partnered at the piano by James Baillieu, this questioning, dramaturgical programme simultaneously expresses man’s finiteness and desire for transcendence.
more about the recital
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